How it works!
First, you have to join.
The Route 66 Mailing List is easy to join, and very easy to use. First, you need to join "Yahoo Groups." The easiest way to do this is by clicking the link on our homepage, and following the directions from there. Or, you can log onto Yahoo Groups directly, at
Once you join Yahoo Groups, do a search for "route66" and you will find a link to follow to our list. A click or two later, and you're a member!
Once you've joined, you have three options of which to choose how you'd like to receive you list eMail - web only, digest, and individual eMail.
"Web only" requires you to log onto the Yahoo Groups site to send and read mailing list eMail. "Digest" will send you a daily file of all individual eMails posted to the list. "Individual eMail" will get you each eMail posted to the list sent to your email box.
Shortly after joining, you'll receive an eMail outlining the "Rules of the Road" for The Route 66 Mailing List. Please read and copy it for your file. It has important information regarding your membership, as well as unsubscribing information should you decide to leave.
Second, start posting!
Once you've joined, you are eligible to post eMails to the list. Once you've posted your eMail, it is then sent to all of our members, who can read and respond to it. Those eMails are also sent to all list members as well.
Think of yourself sitting at a diner along the road, having a cup of coffee and enjoying good conversation with "66ers" like yourself. Instead of the diner, you're at your computer chair doing the exact same thing.
[List member links] [Home page]